My passion about for health and staying fit is growing and I want to share my recent training videos with you. As I love to train outside, I aim to take most of the workouts out in a natural setting. I always seek to be creative and have fun in life, and my workouts are no different. Check out some of the selected videos here or visit my youtube channel - please share with people you know want to get and stay shape
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A strong core is fundamental to perform your best in any activity. It's also linked to good self-esteem and and can help prevent injuries and bad posture. Make sure you switch between your core exercises for your lower back and your stomach muscles to create balance.
PHOTOS: Nikol Herec
Plank to pull ins.
The Mountain Climber.
Downward Phase:
Inhale and slowly lower your body back to a plank position. Keep the torso rigid and head and spine aligned. Do not allow the low back or ribcage to sag. The intensity of this exercise can be increased by lengthening the straps and positioning your body further away from the anchor point of the bands.
Upward Phase:
On an exhale, engage your abdominals. Bring your hips toward the ceiling and pull your legs toward your chest. Keep the legs straight and strong and toes pointed. Your feet should be glued together throughout the exercise. Continue the movement until your hips move directly over your shoulders in somewhat of a handstand position. Keep the torso rigid. Do not allow the spine to arch or bow.
PIKE Description credit:
“Before using bands you should be able to effectively stabilize your low back with your core muscles, because these exercises are advanced.”
In all seriousness of exercising and training, it's important to remember to have fun and get a little weird. These are warm up exercises are great because they can be done literally anywhere. They require little to no equipment and you even get to go upside down and see the world from a different perspective. Any bands can be used, but we recommend you choose a band with medium resistance, that is completed so you don't have to tie it. Your "glutes " will thank you for the warm welcome!
PHOTOS: Nikol Herec
Wrap the band around your shoulder and leg and move your leg up and down.Squeeze your butt when leg is in the straight position. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Position 1: Push your leg backwards and slightly up and squeeze your butt (Gluteus Maximus) in the end position. Do 5 sec holds in this position to make the exersice harder.
Position 2: Take your leg forward and bend the knee. Then move your leg back to position 1 immediately.
Same exercise seen from back. Great way to warm up your "glutes" before any activity where legs are involved. Repeat 10 times.
Plank to single leg / single arm reach. Squeeze your butt at end position. Hold for more challenge. Alternate legs. Repeat 20 times (10 on each leg)
Attention: Advanced exercise! Make sure you can do a head stand before attempting this. Go from the head stand upright position and slowly move your legs down towards the ground. Make sure to not go any farther than you can control. Stop no later than right before your feet touches the ground. Move your legs back to upright headstand position. repeat as many as you feel in control of
To me physical activity plays a big role in our overall health & happiness. I make sure I do at least one training session a day. Some days when I feel like I "don't have time" to train, I try make my training more creative & fun. I always come back with a bigger smile on my face than before I worked out, because when we use our bodies, we release endorphins. Here is a fun little yoga strength / balance sequence from a hiking trip in YOSEMITE national park. It's a core focused practice that you should ease yourself into, shall you attempt on trying at home :) Happy training!