Juicing is a quick way to get the most heathy nutrients hitting all the right spots in your body.  Before working out it's fantastic!

Juicing is a quick way to get the most heathy nutrients hitting all the right spots in your body.  Before working out it's fantastic!

How to make good beats:

- 2 beets

- 2 carrots

- 1 piece of ginger

- 3 sticks of celery

- 1 orange or apple

And you know how I prefer it ------>> AS ORGANIC AS POSSIBLE :)

Juice everything, save the fiber for  soups, carrot cakes or other baked goods... Or throw it in the compost if you have one!

Pour it into a mason mug and sip the richness. I like to use a reusable glass straw from www.SimplyStraws.com
