What is your relationship with the #PRSNT moment? Every day I do 2 x 20 minutes meditation sessions but to be fully transparent, some days it can be challenging to find space and time to practice. This especially happens when family is around or I have a long “to do list” or if I am really stressed out. With that said, I know how beneficial a consistent meditation practice is, so rather than getting frustrated when I can’t do my regular practice, [or skipping the meditation] i’v learned to find a way to flex and flow with what er is going on around me. One solution that I absolutely love is to practice #movingmeditation 🏊♀️ This style of meditation can be integrated into activities like for example running, swimming and snowboarding. In fact, you might even feel like you have been meditating while immersed in these activities. The reason for this is that when we connect with our bodies and breath, we naturally become a part of the #PRSNTmoment, because the body and our breath is always present.
When we systematically apply a technique of breath awareness to an activity, we draw the attention of our minds into the moment and practice what is called a moving meditation. It’s similar to when you just get “lost” in the activity but with an added layer of mindfulness. The result is a strengthened capacity to return to the #prsnt moment - In day to day life, when stressful situations arise, this is a great tool to have in your tool belt. Did you know that fear can’t live in the present moment? The ego, who is is responsible for triggering fear, pain, disappointment and so on, can’t survive in the now. That’s why, when we draw our attention into the #PRSNT moment, we feel so good. We become free from the ego and feel love, fulfillment and bubbling positive vibrations 🙏🏻