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Here is a heart-centered morning yoga flow because I believe everything health starts within. I want to emphasize the strength and courage we all have in our hearts. We should not only send kindness and love towards others but also towards our selves. In this video, you can see a breath technique that helps draw focus on the heart. I also believe a strong core is what holds us up strong in the physical realm. I hope you feel infused with self-love, compassion, courage, energy, strength and resilience to take on life’s challenges, and if not don’t be hard on yourself. We are all a work in progress 💜🙏🏻
Yoga flow using dum bells
Part two: yoga flow with Olympic snowboarder and meditation guide Kjersti Buaas, accompanied by beautiful tunes from Rising Appalachia and Luke Mitrani.
In these challenging times, emotions can easily get stuck in the body, because we hold them hostage and start to identify with them. Our thoughts manifest as emotions in the body and if we get stuck in a negative thought pattern, fear and anxiety we cause a lot of emotional toxic residue in the body. Through movement, we can help create an environment for the body where it’s easier to let go of the emotional residue. When we move our bodies, inflow to music when I play...I find that I can easier let go of emotional residue that is no longer serving me... here’s the bug, make sure to stay safe while doing it and have fun!
“Everyday now starts and ends with a 20 minute meditation learnt from Kjersti, during the day I use her nose breathing and movement meditations, I am also exercising everyday, and get great joy from finishing each workout with Kjersti’s signature exercise called The Bug! I have not felt this calm, happy and present in a long time, and I owe this to Kjersti”
In a time when isolation, fear, uncertainty and worry about the future & negative emotional residue is building up, I thought we could do a little shaking and dancing together 💃🏼 This is an easy and simple dancercise and can be done at home alone or with someone.
Stand uptight and let your arms hang down the sides
Loosen your jaw, relax your neck, relax your shoulder blades, relax your face...
Start to shake at your own pace. Follow your flow - This is your time to be free and connected with yourself.
Turn on your favorite song - I like to mix the shaking with some dancing 💃🏼
I September reiste jeg til Kroatia for å delta på innspilling av Mesternes Mester. Det var hard, både fysisk og mentalt, men for en utrolig opplevelse med de mest fantastiske menneskene. Både foran og bak kamera. Jeg skjønner nå hvorfor dette programmet er på sin 11 sesong med seertall på over 1 million i gjennomsnitt per episode. Jeg gleder meg til å dele opplevelsene fra Kroatia med dere der hjemme, hver fredag framover på NRK klokken 20.05. /// In September I went to Croatia to partake in some of the hardest physical and mental challenges I have ever done, with 9 other amazing, former competitive, professional athletes from Norway. Mesternes Mester is one of the most viewed TV shows in Norway and after being a part of the production I understand why it is so attractive. The people behind it are so positive and real, and the show is made to inspire all generations and families to use their bodies actively and minds creatively. I promise you that season 11 is filled with passion, love, team work, strength, realness and beauty!! Airing on NRK TV January 1st 2020!!!
Hvem tror du vinner den gjeve #mesternesmester pokalen i sesong 11?
Med harde, fysiske og mentale øvelser, settes det krav til styrke, balanse og vilje!!
Jeg elsker kreative utfordringer som dette
Kan sykkelløp i harde motbakker være gøy??
Ikke glem å lek deg! Never forget to stay light and play
Rett ut i første øvelse som var 5 minutter / first challenge was 5 minutes of crossball throws
Støtt og løft opp hverandre, selv dine konkurrenter. Always support and uplift others, even your competitors
Når så mange inspirerende mennesker er samlet på en plass, ønsker man jo å gi det lille ekstra for både å prestere og være den beste utgaven av seg selv, samtidig som man støtter og løfter opp hverandre.
Jeg gleder meg til å dele opplevelsene fra #mesternesmester2020 gjengen med dere alle
TUNE IN Every Friday on NRK TV at 8.05 pm / På NRK hver fredag framover klokka 20.05 #Mesternesmester
We all know that feeling of rushing through our day, disconnected, unfocused, feeling behind on our to do list and stressed out of our minds. In fact, I believe that last saying “stressed out of our minds”is not used properly to describe this situation. When we are stressed we are actually very much into our minds, in fact so much that we believe we are our minds and our identity is the content of our minds. This identification and the absence from the present moment are two things that tend to cause lots of stress in the body.
The key to elimination of this stress, is to bring awareness and attention to the #PRSNT moment. In this moment it is nothing to fear, nothing to be stressed about, because stress and fear belongs to the ego and the ego simply can’t live here. The ego feeds on thoughts and identification, labeling, drama, future and past. In the present, time doesn’t even exist, because this is the only moment that is. It doesn’t need time. Time is future and past. The ego likes time and tries to tell you you are sooo busy and have no time.
So, next “time” you are running around, stressed and crazy, stop yourself & take a second to tune in with your breath. The breath lives in the moment so you can always trust that it will help calm you. It’s like an inner GPS for peacefulness.
If you extend your exhales and make them about twice as long as your inhales you will notice the instant benefits that happens due to a neurological switch of your nervous system.
Extended exhale triggers the relaxation part of the nervous system and is a great way to channel peacefulness.
You can’t be present and stressed at the same time.
You will not feel chaos when you are peaceful.
Embrace this moment & reconnect with who you truly are. Then, as you keep going with your day and feel stress arise, return to the Prsnt moment with your breath as a guide
What is your relationship with the #PRSNT moment? Every day I do 2 x 20 minutes meditation sessions but to be fully transparent, some days it can be challenging to find space and time to practice. This especially happens when family is around or I have a long “to do list” or if I am really stressed out. With that said, I know how beneficial a consistent meditation practice is, so rather than getting frustrated when I can’t do my regular practice, [or skipping the meditation] i’v learned to find a way to flex and flow with what er is going on around me. One solution that I absolutely love is to practice #movingmeditation 🏊♀️ This style of meditation can be integrated into activities like for example running, swimming and snowboarding. In fact, you might even feel like you have been meditating while immersed in these activities. The reason for this is that when we connect with our bodies and breath, we naturally become a part of the #PRSNTmoment, because the body and our breath is always present.
When we systematically apply a technique of breath awareness to an activity, we draw the attention of our minds into the moment and practice what is called a moving meditation. It’s similar to when you just get “lost” in the activity but with an added layer of mindfulness. The result is a strengthened capacity to return to the #prsnt moment - In day to day life, when stressful situations arise, this is a great tool to have in your tool belt. Did you know that fear can’t live in the present moment? The ego, who is is responsible for triggering fear, pain, disappointment and so on, can’t survive in the now. That’s why, when we draw our attention into the #PRSNT moment, we feel so good. We become free from the ego and feel love, fulfillment and bubbling positive vibrations 🙏🏻