Mange har spurt om jeg kan lage noen introvideor til meditasjon. Denne videoen bygger videre på den første videoen i serien «learn to meditate» og viser hvorfor og hvordan en bruker nesepust i meditasjon. Som nybegynner anbefales det å øve i opp til 15 minutter to ganger om dagen. Når du har øynene lukket er det enklere å fokusere og effekten blir bedre. Prøv teknikken et par ganger i stillhet for deg selv først. Siden de fleste av oss lever aktive liv er jeg er opptatt av å vise meditasjonsteknikker som du enkelt kan ta med deg inn i ulike aktiviteter gjennom dagen 🤸♀️ Jeg elsker tekniker som har fokus på pust og tilstedeværelse her og nå. Når du øver på grunnteknikkene i meditasjon i sittende stilling først vil du enklere kunne bruke de aktivt for å takle stress og negative tanker som kommer med en travel hverdag. Økt bevissthet og evnen til å holde fokus vil kunne øke prestasjon, forebygge skader, hjelpe deg til å være kreativ og berike forholdet ditt til andre og naturen 🏄♀️ Det beste og enkleste med meditasjon er å kunne kjenne indre glede selv når det er kaos og blæs som verst på toppan 🏔 Spør meg gjerne om du har spørsmål 🙏🏻
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Kjersti buaas
All you need to know to make this yummy, vegan curry stew. It takes about 45 lovely minutes to make and it is so filling and worth it. Boil the rice when you want. The one I made took about 20 minutes. Good luck & enjoy this flavorful curry stew :)
What you need
1 Yellow Onion
2 Cloves of garlic (preferably organic
2 Medium-sized sweet potatoes
1 Box organic chickpeas
1 Medium-sized Broccoli
Handful Spinach
5 dl Organic Coconut Milk
4-5 (25 g) tsp Red Curry paste (or your favorite curry spice blend)
1 Lime
1/2 Lemon
3-4 tsp Soy Sauce (to your liking) Can also use Brags Liquid Aminos (vegan, gluten-free) or Coconut amino acids for a less salty, sweeter taste
Extra spicy: Chimayo Chili or other chili pepper (I like the stew spicy)
2 Carrots
3 dl Jasmine Rice
1 Cast iron skillet (can us normal also but cast iron promotes more depth in flavor)
1 Pot (preferably cast iron)
What you do
Chop broccoli in nice, small florets. Set them aside.
Finely chop garlic & onion and set aside.
Heat up the skillet with a good amount (2-3 tbs) of vegan coconut butter or oil (rape oil, avocado or other high temp oil is also okay)
Add garlic & onion to skillet. Let it get a golden color. Then turn down the heat so the garlic does not burn.
Take the cast iron pot and add the coconut milk and use medium heat to get it up to a boil. I used the water in the can, but if you prefer to only use the cream and adding fresh water, that is off course okay :) Just make the equivalent amount of water. Add 2 tsp curry paste to the coconut pot and let it simmer
Drain any water off the chickpeas and add them to the skillet. Turn up the heat to medium. Add 2 tsp curry paste and stir in with the peas so everything is covered in the flavors from the spice. Let it sizzle on medium heat for a few minutes.
Add the broccoli to the pot with the coconut cream. Turn up the heat to medium.
Add the small squared cut sweet potatoes to the skillet - ad in add the rest of the curry paste (1 tsp) and make sure you get the paste on all the potatoes for maximum flavor. Let it cook on medium heat for 10-15 minutes (or however long it takes for the potatoes to cook through)
Turn off the iron skillet and carefully move everything into the pot with a ladle (you don’t want a mash so make sure you don’t squeeze the potatoes and chickpeas)
Let it simmer on low heat and thicken for 7-10 minutes, half-covered with a lid. Make sure the heat is on low so nothing burns at the bottom
Slice the carrots and add them to the end of the cooking time. You want them to have a bite and a crunch at the end.
Add the spinach at the very end
Add half a squeezed lime and the soy sauce to the pot. Let it sit for 1-2 minutes
Serve hot with rice and fresh herbs like cilantro, squeeze of lemon and lime.
It amazes me what happens when we actually write down our goals and start taking action to invest in them...
On a rainy day in the fall of 2016, after a work out in my garage, I wrote down some thoughts on a piece of paper. I don't know if you can relate, but often when I am in movement, I feel really creative and inspired to take on life. It´s something about the natural aspect of being in the flow of movement that ignites me, sparks my inside flame and brings me the confidence to think I can take on the world :)
I started to scribble away on the paper and said to myself to just let anything come out - not to judge my thoughts or feel like it had to be perfect. I had a blurry vision and it needed to come out in the shape and form it wanted to. Eventually, I paused and realized that my vision had become more clear as I put the words on my paper. I saw that I had created myself some pretty epic, abstract goals. It sounded something like this:
I am here to guide meditation to big and small groups, help spread love and compassion and elevate the collective consciousness. Keywords: Big room, people meditating and breathing together, another form of speaking gig where we are elevating together. The audience is feeling and doing, not only listening...
How will I attract this: Take a meditation course and be open to every opportunity. I will attract this naturally as I am following my inner compass (heart)
I didn't really know what, when, where this goal would manifest, but I folded the paper and knew that because I had followed my heart, I would not need to fight to make this happen...In December 2017 I started studying meditation with an online program.
Dream Team aka Me, Klaudia Medlova, President of The UN Mr Lajčák & Chanelle Sladics
Skip forward about 6 months as I find myself in New York, at the United Nations Head Quarters. During the winter Olympics in South Korea I had received an invitation by the UN president himself to the #Youth72 Dialoge together with professional athletes, Chanelle Sladics and Klaudia Medlova. As we arrived at the UN I was told that I had a spot to speak during the open mic session. At first, I panicked, as I didn't know what to talk about on such short notice, on such an "important" stage. But, as the president himself opened up the conference by saying, the more raw and organic, the better, I felt sort of calmer. The planner in me wanted to prepare so badly but the freestyler in me spoke louder. I took the challenge to let go of control and trust that whatever came out on stage was perfect for the moment. I walked nervously on to the stage with my bare feet...
Continue reading below the video for the full story...
When I came back home I found some old notes on a piece of paper. To my surprise (yes, I had forgotten about what I wrote on that rainy day) I had accomplished the abstract goal I wrote down about a year ago. Looking back at this video reminds me that when we follow our inner compasses we will start to attract what is true to us and what belongs to us...
So I want to ask you some questions:
What are you dreaming about?
Do you have any goals written down at the moment?
If not, what is preventing you from writing down your goals and dreams?
What needs to change in order for you to start writing down your goals and take action on them?