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Mesternes Mester

Kjersti Buaas Mesternes Mester

I September reiste jeg til Kroatia for å delta på innspilling av Mesternes Mester. Det var hard, både fysisk og mentalt, men for en utrolig opplevelse med de mest fantastiske menneskene. Både foran og bak kamera. Jeg skjønner nå hvorfor dette programmet er på sin 11 sesong med seertall på over 1 million i gjennomsnitt per episode. Jeg gleder meg til å dele opplevelsene fra Kroatia med dere der hjemme, hver fredag framover på NRK klokken 20.05. /// In September I went to Croatia to partake in some of the hardest physical and mental challenges I have ever done, with 9 other amazing, former competitive, professional athletes from Norway. Mesternes Mester is one of the most viewed TV shows in Norway and after being a part of the production I understand why it is so attractive. The people behind it are so positive and real, and the show is made to inspire all generations and families to use their bodies actively and minds creatively. I promise you that season 11 is filled with passion, love, team work, strength, realness and beauty!! Airing on NRK TV January 1st 2020!!!

Hvem tror du vinner den gjeve #mesternesmester pokalen i sesong 11?

Med harde, fysiske og mentale øvelser, settes det krav til styrke, balanse og vilje!!

Med harde, fysiske og mentale øvelser, settes det krav til styrke, balanse og vilje!!

Jeg elsker kreative utfordringer som dette

Jeg elsker kreative utfordringer som dette

Kan sykkelløp i harde motbakker være gøy??

Kan sykkelløp i harde motbakker være gøy??



Ikke glem å lek deg! Never forget to stay light and play

Ikke glem å lek deg! Never forget to stay light and play

Rett ut i første øvelse som var 5 minutter / first challenge was 5 minutes of crossball throws

Rett ut i første øvelse som var 5 minutter / first challenge was 5 minutes of crossball throws

Støtt og løft opp hverandre, selv dine konkurrenter. Always support and uplift others, even your competitors

Støtt og løft opp hverandre, selv dine konkurrenter. Always support and uplift others, even your competitors

Når så mange inspirerende mennesker er samlet på en plass, ønsker man jo å gi det lille ekstra for både å prestere og være den beste utgaven av seg selv, samtidig som man støtter og løfter opp hverandre.

Når så mange inspirerende mennesker er samlet på en plass, ønsker man jo å gi det lille ekstra for både å prestere og være den beste utgaven av seg selv, samtidig som man støtter og løfter opp hverandre.

Jeg gleder meg til å dele opplevelsene fra #mesternesmester2020 gjengen med dere alle

Jeg gleder meg til å dele opplevelsene fra #mesternesmester2020 gjengen med dere alle

TUNE IN Every Friday on NRK TV at 8.05 pm / På NRK hver fredag framover klokka 20.05 #Mesternesmester

TUNE IN Every Friday on NRK TV at 8.05 pm / På NRK hver fredag framover klokka 20.05 #Mesternesmester




Kjersti Buaas Hudsen Collective

Me, my, mine? We tend to use these words generously. I first became aware of these patterns in MY-self and decided to start by observing when, how often and in relation to what I was using these simple, yet powerful words. It showed me that it was A LOT! and it was happening in all areas of MY life. I started bringing awareness of how I could use other words to express something very similar and if I would respond differently.  I observed that by saying "the car" instead of my car I sort of (over time) became less attached to the car. Another example is my computer. I noticed I was even saying "well, in MY world or in "MY life". That is kind of bizarre and interesting all at once, why do we even say that? Like I have MY own world and "MY own life"? Is it not true that we are all ONE? Further, we tend to say "MY plans", "MY food", "MY country", MY feelings, MY problems, MY fault, MY husband/wife/partner... That is MINE!!! The ego likes to create a world around itself in the shape of ME, MY MINE. It takes ownership of everything and anything and thrives on defining and compartmentalizes whenever it gets the chance. Wherever you let it. It even says "MY personality" (this is whom I am) and tries to hang on to it whenever it smells change on the horizon. That is how it feels safe. What this really does is create attachment, fear of loss and imaginary walls. Over time, we start to think that we are those things, that emotion or even that relationship. And without it we lose something; we are no longer whole. It separates us from the truth that is we are all one. Crazy huh?

Kjersti Buaas by Dave Lehl


I noticed that by eliminating the words mine, my and me wherever I could, in any area, I even experimented with saying the Instagram account instead of MY Instagram account, I naturally created a lighter environment. I feel less identification and need to get something, like attention in the form of likes or any form of approval.  We can do the same with emotions. We tend to say "you hurt MY feelings" instead of just seeing that these feelings are just passion through us and we don't need to identify with them and cling to them. I wonder sometimes if when we cry its rooted in fear of letting go of (loosing) that emotion? I am not saying that we should get stuck on the level of words, because after all, words and languages are all man made up. Yet, I do think our language is a reflection of the society we live in and we tend to use words that are related to the current  status quo. With that said, It’s quite cool that we can bring attention to how the words are used and how that affects us. We are all different so its going to be different responses and observations. Drop a comment if you want, I am curious to hear your finds of inner awareness   






Beet Burgers

What You Need

2 Yellow Onions

2 Big Beets

1/2 Cup to 1 Cup Nut flour (almond, pecan, walnut paleo blend)

2 Tbs Tapioca Flour (to help bind)

2 Pasteurized Eggs

Pinch of Cumin

1 Glove Garlic

1 tbs Rosemary Extract

1 tsp Lemon Juice

Salt & Pepper To Taste

Coconut Oil (refined) or Avocado Oil

Goat Cheese (optional)

Fresh Rosemary

What You Do

beet burgers

Caramelize onions in Iron Skillet in Avocado Oil or other high temp oil.

Shred the beets into a bowl and squeeze out the water

Add the flour and eggs

Add the spices and lemon

Grade in preferred amount of Goat Cheese (Optional)

Kneed it together like a dough and put in fridge to cool for about 15 min

Take the dough out of fridge and heat up the iron skillet

Shape into burger patties. Use your hands to squeeze it so it sticks well.

Cook in high temp oil on medium to to high heat on both sides until golden (about 3-5 min on each side) Be gentle as they are fragile before they get cooked. You can keep shaping the burgers in the pan with a spatula

Serve with avocado, lettuce, kale, sweet potato fries, regular potato wedges with fresh rosemary or other preferred sides. Avocado pesto is also a nice touch. I will post a recipe on that and link it

I promise, these beets will make you wanna dance

I promise, these beets will make you wanna dance


We already know how to reduce emissions from the livestock industry, reducing the consumption of meat is one of the simplest and most effective ways to achieve this. What we lack is the will to implement and carry through the solutions. Therefore, POW Norway urge you to have a meet free week this February! We'll be posting inspirational recipes and facts regularly - to show you just how easy, and important, this is.

Beet Burgers Paleo style

To follow the challenge visit my instagram story @kjerstibuaas & give @protectourwintersnorway some love in their quest to help make this planet a cleaner more sustainable place to thrive. and make sure to tune in at the following links:




Take the challenge, JOIN THE VEGETARIAN WEEK!


Protect Our Winters Norway challenged me to have a meat free- week this February! Off course I said yes, and now we invite YOU to join POW´s vegetarian week with us. To make it easy and fun, we've made recipes for the whole week, and they're all cheap, timesaving, simple, delicious, healthy and most of all - good for the environment!

Take the challenge, JOIN THE VEGETARIAN WEEK ——->>>>>

Kjersti Buaas veggisveko

The easiest way to reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions is to eat less meat. If everyone in Norway eats one vegetarian meal a week, it has the same effect as removing 170 000 cars from the roads for a whole year (1). If everyone in the world turned vegetarian, it would reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions related to food production by 60 %. Moreover, if everyone turned vegan, it would further reduce the emissions by 10 % (2). Since food-related emissions account for about 15% of total global emissions (1), this will, in other words, have a very big effect. It may not be realistic to expect everyone to turn vegan or even vegetarian overnight, but if we all eat a little bit less meat, it will help! It might even ensure our children and grandchildren can experience the same wonderful and snowy winters we've been so lucky to live through

Take the challenge, JOIN THE VEGETARIAN WEEK!









P: @chanellesladics

What is your relationship with the #PRSNT moment? Every day I do 2 x 20 minutes meditation sessions but to be fully transparent, some days it can be challenging to find space and time to practice. This especially happens when family is around or I have a long “to do list” or if I am really stressed out. With that said, I know how beneficial a consistent meditation practice is, so rather than getting frustrated when I can’t do my regular practice, [or skipping the meditation] i’v learned to find a way to flex and flow with what er is going on around me. One solution that I absolutely love is to practice #movingmeditation 🏊‍♀️ This style of meditation can be integrated into activities like for example running, swimming and snowboarding. In fact, you might even feel like you have been meditating while immersed in these activities. The reason for this is that when we connect with our bodies and breath, we naturally become a part of the #PRSNTmoment, because the body and our breath is always present.



When we systematically apply a technique of breath awareness to an activity, we draw the attention of our minds into the moment and practice what is called a moving meditation. It’s similar to when you just get “lost” in the activity but with an added layer of mindfulness. The result is a strengthened capacity to return to the #prsnt moment - In day to day life, when stressful situations arise, this is a great tool to have in your tool belt. Did you know that fear can’t live in the present moment? The ego, who is is responsible for triggering fear, pain, disappointment and so on, can’t survive in the now. That’s why, when we draw our attention into the #PRSNT moment, we feel so good. We become free from the ego and feel love, fulfillment and bubbling positive vibrations 🙏🏻




By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. It is fair to say that our natural playgrounds are being polluted and compromised on a daily basis. One of the biggest issues is single-use plastic, like plastic straws. They are used for minutes, then disposed and they never really break down. Therefore they become poison to our marine life, our environment and eventually to us as we eat the fish.







We go through soooooooo many plastic straws each day (Americans alone use over 500.000 each day - yes that's almost two straws per capita) - I am officially shocked!

This is a real problem, that needs our attention so we can work on solutions to reverse it. The good thing is that radical things are happening in the STRAWLESS world.  Adrian Grenier (the very good looking actor from Entourage) has started an NPO called Lonely Whale Foundation and they have launched a HUGE campaign that is going viral around disposable plastic straws!! Together with Simply Straws, they challenged me to #StopSucking. Now I'm challenging WHOEVER reads this, to join me and put attention on this issue.


#StopSucking and take the #pledgeagainstplasticstraws now to receive a FREE reusable glass drinking straw. Unlock your SIMPLY STRAWS coupon


Use my challenge code to accept the challenge



Maybe you are a sucker for straws and are wondering about earth-friendly alternatives to plastic straws. I was personally never I big user of straws, but when I learned that they can help protect our teeth from stains, sensitivity and erosion, I was intrigued. When I realized we go through soooooooo many plastic straws each day (Americans alone use over 500.000 each day - yes that's almost two straws per capita) I was shocked! As I don't want to create more waste just so I can sip my drinks, I started seeking out reusable alternatives.

Simply straws are at the forefront in providing reusable glass straws that can be used over and over and over again. They go in the dishwasher and frankly, the beverages taste so much better when sipped through glass, compared to plastic, paper or aluminum. Glass does not leak any chemicals that harm our hormone system and to me that makes so much sense. I simply don't want chemicals in my body. Learn more about the  Simply Straws collection and find out what their best-selling straws are.

Use your voice to be a force for good. The less plastic we use, the less end up in our oceans and marine life. Are you in or are you gonna keep sucking? :)





I went to Woodward Tahoe with the Zeal Optics familia this summer to snowboard on the last little bit of snow... Hot laps, wave pool challenge, tie dye pillowcase creation, laughs, high 5´s, hikes to waterfalls and playful surf turns were some ingredients to this week

Hot Laps at Boreal Mountain

Hot Laps at Boreal Mountain

Jibbing in the Woodward Tahoe snow park

Jibbing in the Woodward Tahoe snow park





Watch the full edit created by Cole Pates starring Zeal Optics team members Brolin Mawejje, Cody Cirillo and Ivan Stewart  + all the amazing kids we met at camp!!!




Today I read something really inspiring about how being "stuck" in bad patterns and habits is quite common, but how easily we can get "unstuck" if we only shift our perspective a little bit. The article from the enlightened, colorado based magazine "listen, share and be kind, was saying that we are not solid beings with problems, rather consciousness projecting epic stories

Me taking a moment to reflect on life and all the stories I have projected. Where will I go next...? Captured in the beautiful Alps of Southern Tirol by Chanelle Sladics

Me taking a moment to reflect on life and all the stories I have projected. Where will I go next...? Captured in the beautiful Alps of Southern Tirol by Chanelle Sladics

Everything that appears outside of you actually originates from our consciousness
— Kathy Castrigno
Our perspective on life can change with a single move

Our perspective on life can change with a single move

We tend to think that we have to keep feeling a certain way or do something the same way as always, just because that's "our identity. How many times have you said, well, that's just who I am or no, that's not me?? We tend to cling to our story and wait around for something outside our self or the idea of the future, to make changes.

I really connected with the author of the article saying that everything that appears outside of us actually originates from inside us, our consciousness. Whatever we transmit out is reflected back to us as through a mirror. We are the author and main character in our own stories and lives. The article I read said that quantum physics has shown that we send out frequencies that carry information through our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.

If this is so, we also have the immense power to build our dream life. So, let's say that we can project a different frequency right now... does that not mean that we don't have to wait for something outside our self to shift our story?? If you feel stuck or unhappy with something, find a new perspective. Take the first step and begin telling a new story now. Don't wait for approval from the outside world, don't wait for someone to tell you it's okay... Don´t worry about what's wrong or right or how to fix your old story. Leave the old story behind and start telling a new version that paints you as an empowered being, filled with love, passion, gratitude and confidence! Tell this new story over and over and don't be scared to pour your heart & soul into it. Its a law of physics that at some future point, the universe will reflect back to you what you put out there. 

Source: Listen, share and be Kind Magazine



Break bad habits with movement

Finding a good balance in your work day can be a big challenge. When I get stuck in front of the computer for too long, staring at the screen with bad posture, I find that I get tunnel vision and lose touch with myself

Kjersti Buaas Wear Colour Stretching
Climbing fuels my soul, gets me focused and opens my creative channels

Climbing fuels my soul, gets me focused and opens my creative channels

Sitting in front of the computer for to long, usually involves lots of "hunching" and bad posture.  You can notice that your posture will be more and more "closed up" the more you sit in the "computer position". Standing once in a while can do wonders, preferably using a standing desk. 

To break up my day from sitting still too long and to get a different perspective, I like to go for a run or do some kind of physical activity, preferably outside, but anything goes in a hectic work day. Being a professional athlete competing for over 18 years, has thought me that repetition over time, helps you attract those results. The results can be positive or negative for the body and the mind, all depending on what it is that you are repeating. Therefor, it is smart to make sure that you adapt and repeat those healthy habits and lifestyle into your "every day".

In order to reopen my posture and connect with my heart chakra I do opposite movements of what I would do in front of the computer. I practice some form of yoga everyday. Yoga is a great activity to break up a work day when you spend a lot of t…

In order to reopen my posture and connect with my heart chakra I do opposite movements of what I would do in front of the computer. I practice some form of yoga everyday. Yoga is a great activity to break up a work day when you spend a lot of time sitting still. It´s one of my favorite forms of movement to keep in touch with my body, mind and spirit.

The past years I have gotten pretty found of climbing and to improve my techniqueI like to integrate hand and finger exercises into my day to day life. Taking 10 minutes to stand up and give some attention to my hands can both help my climbing and save me from adapting negative patterns that again can lead to dis-ease further down the line.  

Climbing is an easy activity that everyone can do and it does not require a lot of equipment, especially if you are bouldering. If I dont have access to an easy outdoor climbing spot, I go to a climbing gym near me and do a 45 min session. It is amazing how much more clarity, focus and creativity I have when I come back to my work space. 



Eating healthy trough out the day really helps me stay focused and provides me with the energy I need to endure through the day. Getting up from chair to make meals, helps me break up my work day. It also gives me credits towards my daily standing goal witch is 12 hours each day. It mights sound silly to have a standing goal, but it´s touch on the hip flexors to sit for long periods of time. It also is contributing towards my goal of being the best version of myself. I like to make smoothie bowls, salads with goodies from the garden, yummy vegetable pasta & eggs with avocado & sourdough bread from a local bakery (the real sourdough)

I have started using a watch to help remind me to get up and break away from creating bad habits and patterns. It also tells me to take a minute to breathe. As I am typing this, my clock just told me to get up and move. I guess technology can be use…

I have started using a watch to help remind me to get up and break away from creating bad habits and patterns. It also tells me to take a minute to breathe. As I am typing this, my clock just told me to get up and move. I guess technology can be used as a crutch or as a tool, all depending on your awareness around it :)



Work Out in the Garage

Working out can be hard to fit into a packed schedule, between work and other obligations. It can get costly too. That's why I have set up a creative little gym in the garage, so I can easily access "the gym" whenever I want. You don't need tons of equipment, just a few staple items will get you started out fine. I like the TRX ropes because you can do many different exercises using just that one tool. A yoga ball and an Indo board is perfect add on's and great for stability exercises . Other items I keep in my garage "cubby" is a coupe of dumbbells and a yoga mat + a regular basketball or soccer ball. Check back for tips on specific exercises for core and back.
