Mange har spurt om jeg kan lage noen introvideor til meditasjon. Denne videoen bygger videre på den første videoen i serien «learn to meditate» og viser hvorfor og hvordan en bruker nesepust i meditasjon. Som nybegynner anbefales det å øve i opp til 15 minutter to ganger om dagen. Når du har øynene lukket er det enklere å fokusere og effekten blir bedre. Prøv teknikken et par ganger i stillhet for deg selv først. Siden de fleste av oss lever aktive liv er jeg er opptatt av å vise meditasjonsteknikker som du enkelt kan ta med deg inn i ulike aktiviteter gjennom dagen 🤸♀️ Jeg elsker tekniker som har fokus på pust og tilstedeværelse her og nå. Når du øver på grunnteknikkene i meditasjon i sittende stilling først vil du enklere kunne bruke de aktivt for å takle stress og negative tanker som kommer med en travel hverdag. Økt bevissthet og evnen til å holde fokus vil kunne øke prestasjon, forebygge skader, hjelpe deg til å være kreativ og berike forholdet ditt til andre og naturen 🏄♀️ Det beste og enkleste med meditasjon er å kunne kjenne indre glede selv når det er kaos og blæs som verst på toppan 🏔 Spør meg gjerne om du har spørsmål 🙏🏻
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Mange har spurt om jeg kan lage en introvideo til meditasjon for nybegynnere, så her har du verdens enkleste form for meditasjon. Jeg er opptatt av at meditasjon skal være en brobygger slik at du kan ta med deg det du lærer inn i ulike aktiviteter gjennom dagen, nettopp fordi vi ikke lever stillesittende liv. Når du øver på grunnteknikkene i meditasjon i sittende stilling vil du enklere kunne bruke de aktivt for å takle stress og negative tanker som kommer med en travel hverdag. Økt bevissthet og evnen til å holde fokus vil kunne øke prestasjon, forebygge skader, hjelpe deg til å være kreativ og berike forholdet ditt til andre og naturen. Det beste og enkleste med meditasjon er å kunne kjenne indre glede selv når det er kaos og blæs som verst på toppan .
I wrote the words below last year & wanted to re-share them as they still hold true to me today 🙏🏻
More than ever, a new human mindset is necessary - a mindset where hierarchy, money, and fame are not primary goals. Some call it “new earth”, some call it an elevation of the collective human consciousness. Some call it tapping into the wisdom that lives inside all of us. When we allow ourselves to be still, we naturally "remember" this feeling of peace and connectedness. In these crazy times, with a state of urgency on the environment, this is probably one of the most powerful things we can do on an individual level. Work from the inside out. Every single day and every moment we can. I love to be outside, spending time in nature as often as I can, because stillness is easier to find in the trees, the mountains and in the forest. Pass these values on to the children. In a state of Being we can access solutions and take action that goes far beyond what we could ever do in a state of fear, anger, or resentment. Yes, the earth needs us now. In fact, the only moment we truly have is #now. But we don’t need to act from fear. We never do. Fear paralyzes us and blocks us from accessing the real truth. Fear causes apathy. We need energy and unconditional love, infused with a peaceful warrior attitude, playfulness, wisdom, and cooperation. All this is accessible at this moment, right now. Yes, we need systemic change on all levels, in politics, in business, in sports, agriculture, and so on…but when we change from the inside and out, we have the power to truly transcend the old, outdated mindset. Then we change everything :)
Words by @kjerstibuaas
Photo by @bprsnt
The outside world is in chaos - we are facing a challenge of a dimension greater than most of us could ever have imagined. The question is; How can we feel peace, light & love in a time when the external world is in chaos? Time is here to go within. To listen, slow down, feel, trust and to #bprsnt
“Not everyone has access to nature, and not everyone knows how to meditate, so I want bring the combination of meditation + nature to anyone who wants to tune in”
“Kjerstis tilnærming til meditasjon og å være tilstede i øyeblikket er veldig inspirerende. Hennes “nede-på-jorda”-approach gjør at hun formidler teknikkene på en enkel og tilgjengelig måte - uansett som man har erfaring eller er helt ny til meditasjon og mindfullness. Hun er et levende eksempel på at vi ved pust og fokus kan få enda mer livsglede - og minner oss på at det er de små øyeblikkene med tilstedeværelse som teller. ”
“It is light that turns any darkness, suffering, destruction, and pain into awakening, growth, joy, kindness, and love.”
Creating stillness to go within, to slow down, to tune in, to consciously breathe, to #BPRSNT helps us stay more connected to our whole being. Hidden in this relationship resides a divine power and awareness, elemental to unlocking the unique and unyielding potential of personal strength living in all of us
When we connect with our inner world, we can stand stronger in the outer world, simply because we access the peace that lives within all of us.
These past weeks I have been spending many moments going deeper within, connecting, journaling, slowing down and listening. I have had the opportunity to visit nature, and been enjoying solo-hikes in the forest. On these hikes I have cultivated the feeling of “peace within” and because it’s in my nature to want to share joyful experiences, I have recorded some videos out there. These videos include meditation techniques and tips for how breath work can help in stressful times. They are suitable for beginners and intermediate “meditators” - all you need to partake is a body with the capacity to breathe and think (and internet connection 😊)
I find that both meditation and nature inspires and helps me to be present. And being able to feel present is so important in times when the outside world is in chaos.
A combination of split boarding & back country skiing, outdoor climbing, yoga, meditation, SUP (stand up paddle board), arctic surfing, arts & crafts, fjord skinny dipping followed by traditional Norwegian wood sauna, chef prepared food, stress management seminar, PRSNTfit functional movement classes and so much more.
Me, my, mine? We tend to use these words generously. I first became aware of these patterns in MY-self and decided to start by observing when, how often and in relation to what I was using these simple, yet powerful words. It showed me that it was A LOT! and it was happening in all areas of MY life. I started bringing awareness of how I could use other words to express something very similar and if I would respond differently. I observed that by saying "the car" instead of my car I sort of (over time) became less attached to the car. Another example is my computer. I noticed I was even saying "well, in MY world or in "MY life". That is kind of bizarre and interesting all at once, why do we even say that? Like I have MY own world and "MY own life"? Is it not true that we are all ONE? Further, we tend to say "MY plans", "MY food", "MY country", MY feelings, MY problems, MY fault, MY husband/wife/partner... That is MINE!!! The ego likes to create a world around itself in the shape of ME, MY MINE. It takes ownership of everything and anything and thrives on defining and compartmentalizes whenever it gets the chance. Wherever you let it. It even says "MY personality" (this is whom I am) and tries to hang on to it whenever it smells change on the horizon. That is how it feels safe. What this really does is create attachment, fear of loss and imaginary walls. Over time, we start to think that we are those things, that emotion or even that relationship. And without it we lose something; we are no longer whole. It separates us from the truth that is we are all one. Crazy huh?
I noticed that by eliminating the words mine, my and me wherever I could, in any area, I even experimented with saying the Instagram account instead of MY Instagram account, I naturally created a lighter environment. I feel less identification and need to get something, like attention in the form of likes or any form of approval. We can do the same with emotions. We tend to say "you hurt MY feelings" instead of just seeing that these feelings are just passion through us and we don't need to identify with them and cling to them. I wonder sometimes if when we cry its rooted in fear of letting go of (loosing) that emotion? I am not saying that we should get stuck on the level of words, because after all, words and languages are all man made up. Yet, I do think our language is a reflection of the society we live in and we tend to use words that are related to the current status quo. With that said, It’s quite cool that we can bring attention to how the words are used and how that affects us. We are all different so its going to be different responses and observations. Drop a comment if you want, I am curious to hear your finds of inner awareness
A central goal for PRSNT ADVENTURE RETREATS is to inspire as many people as possible to spend time in the elemental outdoors, developing a deeper connection to nature, to each other and to themselves.
“I am at peace with that it does not really matter what I do or that my “doing” is secondary. It’s how I do it and if I am bringing my full presence to it that leaves me feeling fulfilled and is my primary purpose”
Some of us love what we do and some don’t at all. Some things and tasks feels overwhelming, boring etc & some are simply things we care for & love doing. The truth is that if we are doing a job, task or activity that we really enjoy, we are naturally tapping into our Being. Then it feels like a dream, we are creative and feel purpose. If we are doing a job that we don’t like, we most likely don’t care to bring our full focus into it. Many of us are doing jobs that we don’t like or connect with or find any purpose in. We might feel stuck and “unhappy” and not fulfilled at all. For some of us our health is compromised by what we do. Yet, still, we might not want to change that job because it is stable and secure. Or maybe we are scared of change because we are identifying ourself, our value and self worth so much with what we do. It’s not uncommon for us humans to do so, in fact that how we typically condition our selfs.
If we don’t want to we don’t necessary have to change the job or task, but rather look at how we are doing what we are doing. Ask your self questions like: Am I present in my job? Does what I do get my full attention? Am I bringing laughter and playfulness into my “doing”? Am I taking my “self” very seriously or can I be lighthearted while doing this task? Am I just doing this task as a means to an end? Am I depending my self worth on this outside condition? How identified am I with what I do? When your “doing” is filled with presence, you allow for your Being to shine & you start to shed the layers of identification. The ego can’t tolerate the sun rays from your being - it will dissolve when you bring awareness to it. When you allow for your Being to ripple into what ever you are doing, your doing suddenly comes to life, becomes creative, vibrant and will therefor also be experienced as joyful. My favorite place to be is in the now. It’s when I feel fulfilled
What is your relationship with the #PRSNT moment? Every day I do 2 x 20 minutes meditation sessions but to be fully transparent, some days it can be challenging to find space and time to practice. This especially happens when family is around or I have a long “to do list” or if I am really stressed out. With that said, I know how beneficial a consistent meditation practice is, so rather than getting frustrated when I can’t do my regular practice, [or skipping the meditation] i’v learned to find a way to flex and flow with what er is going on around me. One solution that I absolutely love is to practice #movingmeditation 🏊♀️ This style of meditation can be integrated into activities like for example running, swimming and snowboarding. In fact, you might even feel like you have been meditating while immersed in these activities. The reason for this is that when we connect with our bodies and breath, we naturally become a part of the #PRSNTmoment, because the body and our breath is always present.
When we systematically apply a technique of breath awareness to an activity, we draw the attention of our minds into the moment and practice what is called a moving meditation. It’s similar to when you just get “lost” in the activity but with an added layer of mindfulness. The result is a strengthened capacity to return to the #prsnt moment - In day to day life, when stressful situations arise, this is a great tool to have in your tool belt. Did you know that fear can’t live in the present moment? The ego, who is is responsible for triggering fear, pain, disappointment and so on, can’t survive in the now. That’s why, when we draw our attention into the #PRSNT moment, we feel so good. We become free from the ego and feel love, fulfillment and bubbling positive vibrations 🙏🏻
We can’t ignore the fact that the health of our planet is in a state of urgency, meaning we need to act and do something different in order to reverse and rebuild what has been worn and torn down... natural playgrounds are being polluted and resources are being depleted, rapidly. I think that the outside is a reflection of what is happening on the inside. Can the state of our planet be a reflection of what is happening on our inside? I feel like as a collective we humans are not so healthy. We have so many individual problems. We waste. We care about what we look like, what others think about us, if we are good at something and so on. We let the ego sit in the driver seat, wrapped up in our thoughts and beliefs, comparing and constantly finding ways to separate us from each other and from our surroundings. We have more disease than ever. Meanwhile, earth is getting warmer, oceans are getting contaminated and animals are trapped in our mindless line of trash... This blog post is not meant to be negative, yet I think it’s an important topic to speak about. I´m not saying that I’m doings something better than you, that is the ego again. I’m just saying that we have the opportunity to help turn things around for the better of our planet...
I’m a part of the @protectourwinters athlete alliance and I see what an amazing job #pow is doing to help protect our winters and beyond. With this message I hope to reach outdoor people who care for our planet, to get involved in the electoral process. I also hope to reach YOU, as everyone can be an environmentalist. @protectourwinters have just launched the @pow_action_fund where real action on policy can happen!!! Since there is power in numbers we hope you will join us on this new and important venture. Head over to to learn more about our mission, initiatives and ways to get involved. Together, let’s turn our passion into purpose and realize the true potential and power this community holds. And show the climate deniers in office the door.
I love being outdoors & aim to help protect our natural playgrounds as much as I can, so future generations can enjoy it too 🌎 I experience that temperatures are getting warmer and snow seasons are getting shorter and I know that the environment is in a state of emergency. But in order to help the glove getting warmer we need everyone. We need a global cooperation
In April 2018 we hosted a @bprsnt women’s adventure retreat in Lofoten Norway. The week we were in Lofoten we saw rapid snow melt and we had to hike with our boards on our backs for a while before we even found snow. We still had such a good time,
connecting with each other and the outdoor. Speaking of, spending time outdoors is amazing, but with the current state of the globe & in order to keep our natural playgrounds accessible, we need to merge our passion for the outdoors with action that actually help protect it. Whether we have a large, medium or small stage, we are all role models for someone in our life’s and we have a footprint that matter... because in order to change everything we need everyone
If you want to be a part of @protectourwinters or any of their national extensions you can follow their account or go to and to find out how, when there is a climate march near you and how you can get involved in general.